Saturday 23 January 2016

Learn be a fairy

As My Hogwarts Here  as fail me and So  Jobs, and College I decide turn to Spell make me fairy  My side affacties  Little sore thoath this morning,But can heal My Sore  thoath and  litte things grown on the back for my wing Sadly No Fairy College in Uk so just watch Fairy lesson you tube. My mother is non-believe and just want go outside more with nauture play with cats Sydnee and Annabel.
I just groom My cats Sydnee and Annabel but just gone over Park for now.

Sydnee outside look at Afie and Annabel in travel crate " Do have go Vet?"
Sydnee and Annabel breaking Nana rules go on soffeee now move up Living room.laughing.

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